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I'm So Happy You're Here!

Me with a mixed breed dog, Golden Retriever, and German Shepherd all smiling

I'm Alyssa, a former dog walker and pet sitter, whose obsession for training dogs evolved after rescuing and training my Golden Retriever, Chipie.


One of her behavioral challenges was severe possession aggression. After a lot of research, I committed to Richard Heinz' training methods for behavior modification. With great results, I then decided to attend Richard's Master Dog Trainer Camp. 


Richard's expertise was pivotal in helping me resolve my dog's behavioral issues. Inspired by his knowledge, I invested in attending his intensive 3 month Master Dog Trainer Camp


Mentored by the best, I learned everything from behavior modification, aggression, obedience, dog psychology, scent detection, service tasks, protection training, and so much more

Me posing with my mentor and 3 dogs, holding a graduation plaque after completing my Master Dog Trainer program
Me (dog trainer) holding back a German Shepherd who is barking


My philosophy is grounded in a balance of discipline and affection in order to help create a healthy relationship between you and your dog. Customizing my methods to each dog's distinct personality and goals, I provide an approach that succeeds where others often fail. At Impacktful Dog Training, I am committed to providing effective training that leaves a lasting impact and successful future for your dog.

Me (young woman) smiling at my golden retriever while holding her paw
A woman walking with two smiling dogs in an off leash heel

So, What's My Mission?

A young woman in a field with 2 dogs running
My mission is to help owners and their dogs feel confident and accomplish their goals, for them to enjoy life with their dog, and for their dog to enjoy life.

Meet My Dogs

A mixed bull breed sitting, smiling at the camera


A woman in a long dress standing with 2 dogs on either side of her

F & C

A golden retriever in the sun with its eyes closed smiling


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